Partner with SSRDP

We extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to prospective CSR partners who are passionate about making a positive impact through skill development. At Sri Sri Rural Development Programme Trust (SSRDP), we believe in the transformative power of skills to shape lives and communities. By joining hands with us, you have the opportunity to play a pivotal role in equipping individuals with the tools they need to thrive in today’s dynamic world. Together, we can create tailored skill development projects that not only address critical needs but also foster sustainable growth and empowerment. Your commitment will not only uplift individuals but also contribute to a more inclusive and prosperous society. Let’s collaborate to create a brighter future through the gateway of skills – a journey that promises to enrich lives and inspire lasting change.

Our Partners in Change

Why to partner with us?

Ways to partner with us

Our synergistic alliance seeks to augment social impact by adeptly channelling financial resources and securing grants. By knitting your philanthropic capital with our strategic direction, we can propel meaningful skill development initiatives towards fruition, catalyzing positive change in diverse areas of skilling.

An inherent facet of our partnership may involve the establishment of purposeful infrastructure, serving as a bedrock for cultivating meaningful change. This entails the setting up of state-of-the-art training centres, leaving an indelible imprint on the community we touch.

By forging our capabilities, we aspire to play an instrumental role in nurturing promising opportunities for the community’s advancement. Our joint endeavor would encompass the art of crafting placements, thereby enabling individuals to unleash their potential and secure meaningful positions that resonate with their aspirations.

Within the tapestry of our partnership lies the prospect of refining and elevating existing projects and centres. Through a synergistic amalgamation of expertise, we aim to breathe new life into ongoing endeavours, infusing them with innovation and strategic insight, thereby magnifying their influence manifold.

Intrinsically embedded within our framework is the provision of Entrepreneurs Development Programs (EDP) – a dynamic platform poised to cultivate visionary leaders of tomorrow. This bespoke program, meticulously curated, shall empower aspiring entrepreneurs with the acumen and tools requisite for charting their course amidst the complexities of the business landscape.

A cornerstone of our proposition involves the inception of tailor-made projects that seamlessly align with your organization’s vision and objectives. With our adept proficiency and deep-seated knowledge, we can collaboratively incubate initiatives that resonate with your ethos, thereby ushering in transformative change under your esteemed aegis.

Adopt a Skill Center

(Only Operational Support)

Adopt a Prison

(Temporary Centers & operational Support)

Center of Excellence

(Capital to set-up & operational support)

Partner with us

Your esteemed collaboration with us shall embark on a trajectory that blends innovation, empathy, and long-lasting sustainable impact. Your partnership with us encapsulates not just an alliance, but a symphony of purpose, promising to reshape destinies and foster a tapestry of positive change in the society.

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