Excel in 3D Printing and Design Skills

Features of 3D Printing Training Program

Program Curriculum

Technical Skills

Software Knowledge

Other Essential Skills

India has seen significant growth in the field of 3D printing and designing in recent years. As a result, there are several career opportunities available for individuals interested in pursuing this field. With the increasing adoption of 3D printing across various sectors, the demand for skilled professionals is expected to rise in the coming years. Keeping up with the latest advancements, acquiring relevant skills, and building a strong portfolio will enhance your career prospects in this field.

Success Stories

After completing Higher Secondary education, I took the Computer Skills Training Program from the Center of Excellence, Bangalore under SSRDP Trust with the support of Supertron Foundation. Now I am working with Chai Point in Bangalore on a monthly salary of Rs 18,000.

Anjana Kuntoji

After completing Higher Secondary education, I took the Computer Skills Training Program from the Center of Excellence, Bangalore under SSRDP Trust with the support of Supertron Foundation. Now I am working with Chai Point in Bangalore on a monthly salary of Rs 18,000.

Anjana Kuntoji

After completing Higher Secondary education, I took the Computer Skills Training Program from the Center of Excellence, Bangalore under SSRDP Trust with the support of Supertron Foundation. Now I am working with Chai Point in Bangalore on a monthly salary of Rs 18,000.

Anjana Kuntoji

Our Skilling Partner

Insta Printz

Started in 2015, Insta Printz is enabling industries in the field of automotive, healthcare, and education to leverage the potential of the new-age technology of 3D printing and designing. Headquartered in Indore, Insta Printz has a branch in UK as well. The company is now one of the fastest-growing 3D printing companies in India. SSRDP in partnership with Insta Printz brings a unique opportunity for youths to learn new-age technology, and advanced tools to transition towards a digital manufacturing process and to launch innovations that have the potential to forever change their career and also bring about a meaningful transformation and innovation in various sectors.

3d printing course,3D Printing, SSRDP, 3D Printing Training.
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